February 21, 2014


I have a quick confession to make today...

I LOVE to knit! I know, not a very exciting confession for you guys is it?  It is, however, very exciting for me because knitting is rare for me these days. Being a slow knitter does not help and I have a deadline of March 5th to create the above pattern as a tester in a group on Ravelry.  So I will be posting lots of updates over the next week and a half so I can keep track.

One other exciting thing that I want to announce is the redditgifts gift exchange that I am participating in. It is my first ever and the category is yarn! All you have to do is sign up and you earn a credit which is used to participate in your first exchange and after the exchange is over and you fulfilled your gifting duty you are rewarded with 2 credits, which then get used for more exchanges and so on. Matches for this on get made automatically on March 3rd and we have until March 21st to have our gift sent. You can either buy something from the Reddit Market or wherever. Super excited as it means I get to do some yummy yarn shopping for my giftee and can't wait to see what I get in return. Still time to sign up for some, go check it out! You just need to have a reddit account. To learn more about the gift exchange click here.


  1. found you through DD. prettiest blog EVER. who did your logo?

    1. Awe thanks so much! The logo was created by me, I use www.ipiccy.com
