February 7, 2014

Frogging Projects...

I hate when I am trying to wing a pattern and it ends up being all wrong and I have to frog it. For those who don't know what frogging means in the crochet world, it means to rip out rows you have already completed, not always the full project either.

Anyway, last night I thought I was on track when really I wasn't and didn't realize it until being nearly finished. *sigh*  See??

The pair on top is a pair that I made from a pattern called Baby Breeches and are newborn sized...which is what the white pair underneath are supposed to be. I was about 6 or 7 stitches too big and had to frog the whole thing.  Which I did by coming up with the smart idea to use a yarn ball winder and have a nice cake of yarn versus a jumbled mess that would get tangled eventually.

It started out good at first, I was spinning away trying to keep my tension even. But while spinning I had to stop a few times and get a snarl out from the pants part. Which meant I had to stop spinning and that usually results in less than stellar results.

 Then it jammed on me! I hate it when it jams, but that is what I get for trying be in a hurry right? 

So after assessing how bad it was I ended up having to remove the top portion that holds the cake of yarn because there was no wriggling and untwisting it out. I ended up having to cut the yarn and join it and start over.

I think I ended up winding it another time after that because I still was not impressed with the result of my yarn cake.  I was so frustrated and decided to just deal with it. I still have to wind up the remains of the original skein or it will end up being a tangled mess too.

All in all, learn from my mistakes and go SLOW with even tension. The one thing I did wish yarn ball winders had was a locking mechanism for the handle when I stop winding because it usually unravels a few turns and I get more frustrated. 

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